In your life, you will have a lot of adversity situations. A lot of times they will break your heart, you will lose a job that sounds great on the first day, you will fail at a business and projects, you will fail subjects in College, and more.
You need use to live with negative situations because they will be “the bread of every day” as we say in Argentina when something is common to happen every day.
My better strategy to don’t fall into a depression in every fail is to use the failure as an engine to boost the perseverance to continue trying to get success.
Did your girlfriend cheat you on your best friend? Date with 10 girls in the same week.
Don’t you like your job? Apply at 20 jobs a week.
Don’t you get along well with your boss? Try to move to another project in your company.
Did you lose money in your investments? Educate yourself.