Personal investments are a difficult subject full of myths and disinformation. In this article, we will figure the difficult subjects out and explain them in easy words.
How to start?
First, you need to be educated. Choose some easy books from the library and learn about the different markets: stocks, bonds, cryptocurrencies, commodities, etc.
Don’t start with the difficult subjects. First, choose one with a general explanation about investments. Try to understand the general aspects before having a deep knowledge of a specific market.
What market should I choose?
You need to choose a market to invest in. Your choice depends on the type of investor that you are. If you are a conservative one you can choose commodities or bonds, otherwise, if you are a risky person you can choose cryptocurrencies.
I can choose more of one? Yes, and it is a recommendation. For example, if you are a conservative one, you can ponderate your risky investments at 10% or 5% of all your capital in a risky market (for example stocks or cryptocurrencies), and put 90% in a conservative one (eg. bonds).
Psychological part
You need to relax and enjoy your investment. It is not a good deal if you are nervous or anxious about your winning and losses. Therefore is important: the ponderings that you use for risky trades and use them to be exposed to the risk in a proportion that you feel comfortable.