Did you arrange an appointment with a recruiter? First of all, congratulations! This is the first step. In this article you will receive a lot of advice about how to deal with interviews in IT.
Types of interviews
There are a few different interviews. Usually you will have first the Human Resources interview where you will talk about your current and previous experiences, expectations on your next job, but always without any technical detail.
Usually the next one is the technical interview, in which you will talk about specific details from the technology in the job that you are applying for.
You do need to know before the interview what kind it will be. You can just ask the recruiter or better search in Linkedin the profile from the people that are in the appointment. If the person is a programmer, there is a 99% probability that he will ask you technical questions. If he is a team leader or project manager, it will probably be similar to a HR person.
What I should do?
This is a remote interview, but you need to look well as a normal one. Therefore, brush your hair and use a pretty t-shirt or shirt and the most important thing: practice the normal questions that the recruiters ask in that type of interviews, but first of all figure it out if the interview will be a technical one or a HR. If it is a technical one, try to learn the most important things about that technology and ask your friends that use it what questions the recruiters asked them. Maybe it sounds weird: but the companies ask similar questions.
What I shouldn’t do?
Never talk bad about your coworkers, bosses or companies. It sounds rude and they will think that you will do the same to them.
Don’t be nervous: a few times I felt like that and I wasn’t sure if I had been relaxed I would have passed the interviews.
In my experience there are a lot of latin american recruiters and that kind of person starts the interview in Spanish and asks you only a few questions in English. But you need to figure out from what country he is from, if he is from Bielorusia, be sure it will be in English.
Top 3 Most common questions to test your English:
Do you have any hobbies?
Can you tell me about the projects that you were working on?
Why are you looking for a new job?
You don’t know how the interview will be, but if you study the most common questions, you will be more prepared. You will increase your success rate if you prepare for it.
Don’t end your preparation only with this article, look for others to study better.
interviews are not hard to crack if we have help of blogs like you. I think learning and increasing our language vocabulary with grammar few important things can help much better. Great system of testing about the English and literature, also it helps on many more other things. Subscribed your blog for providing new things everyday.